Open SDGclub.Berlin

The German Council for Sustainable Development started the Open SDGclub.Berlin in 2016 as a transnational peer learning platform of sustainability practitioners at which participants can share their experience with implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at their respective areas of responsibility.

Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019 participants - Photo: Svea Pietschmann, © German Council for Sustainable Development|

Photo: Ralf Rühmeier, © German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE)

With the Open SDGclub.Berlin, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) offers an inclusive and collaborative platform for mutual encouragement to all those who embrace the transformative character of the Agenda 2030. This initiative will be instrumental to transport the sense of belonging to the common cause of reaching the SDGs in their universal relevance. While Agenda 2030 requires to be implemented first and foremost on the national and subnational level those efforts can – and must – build on experiences and good practices. Sustainable development actions are astonishing and encouraging, but to a large extent they are yet untold. We choose the title to show a non-exclusive understanding and an openness for initiates to repeat and multiply Open SDGclubs.

After a first meeting took place in Berlin in November 2016 a second meeting has taken place on 7 – 9 May 2019. In between meetings the network has further developed, allowing more and new participants to exchange information about own actions and also to cooperate in implementing of UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019 participants are part of national councils for sustainable development and of similar stakeholder bodies and initiatives, they come from a civil society organization or network, from business, academia, municipalities or national parliaments. Their common point is to be actively engaged in advancing sustainable development in their respective area of responsibility. Based on peer learning participants drew conclusions and formulated recommendations concerning the effectiveness and sustainability of projects as well as the framework conditions for well-functioning multi-stakeholder bodies and initiatives at local, regional, and national level.

Based on their respective practical experience and in their personal capacity, Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019 participants have reiterated the importance of the 2030 Agenda document and have launched an urgent call for increased implementation efforts:

The RNE has published a report on the first Open SDGclub.Berlin meeting in November 2016. This report summarizes the meeting, gives insight in the preparatory process leading to the meeting and presents follow-up actions and lessons learned.

  • 12/02/2016


With the Open SDGclub.Berlin, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) offers an inclusive and collaborative platform for mutual encouragement to all those who embrace the transformative character of the Agenda 2030.

Photo gallery: Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019