No sustainable financial planning means no green future for Europe: German Council for Sustainable Development presents recommendations on multiannual financial framework and European coronavirus recovery fund

Berlin, 29 September 2020 – “We must lay the financial foundations today for a sustainable path for the EU out of the coronavirus crisis,” advocated Dr Werner Schnappauf, Chairman of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE). Without truly sustainable financial planning, there will be no green future for Europe and the world. “The package of measures put forward by the European Council in July, with its 30% climate target and the financial assistance for those states and sectors hit especially hard by the coronavirus crisis, contains many elements worthy of support. The German Council for Sustainable Development thus welcomes the proposal from heads of state and government as a sound basis for discussion. However, in the course of negotiations with the member states in the European Parliament further, improvements must be achieved.”

In the corresponding position paper published today, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) recommends, among other things, that:

  • The guiding compass to follow be that of sustainability, in particular the landmark announcements from Commission President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the European Green Deal and climate protection,
  • The New Generation EU recovery fund be implemented swiftly, and
  • That the currently insufficient allocation of monies to international cooperation within the multiannual financial framework (MFF) be increased.

“The total volume for the multiannual financial framework proposed by the European Council is in the opinion of the RNE insufficient with a view to strengthening the European Union in its future-oriented global role within international cooperation. The German Council for Sustainable Development strongly regrets that individual member states have made their approval of the recovery fund dependent on curtailments of the MFF. Particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic and of climate change, more European funds need to be put towards the causes of international cooperation and solidarity,” comments Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, RNE member and former German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) will soon be presenting its own concrete proposals for a future-oriented EU–Africa partnership based on an equal footing.

The Council for Sustainable Development further welcomes the EU summit supporting the allocation of additional EU funds for sustainability-related topics, such as for expanding EU emissions trading. Own monies for non-recycled plastic waste as well as a digital tax and a carbon border tax are planned. These funds can, however, only be allocated if all members states give their approval.

Global Forum Study, 2022: Pieces of a puzzle: further steps on a journey (Part II)

Studies & expert opinions

Study: Pieces of a puzzle: further steps on a journey (Part II)

Second report on the potential for greater use of multi-stakeholder advisory bodies for the 2030 Agenda.

This study invites readers to gain an understanding of the pieces of a puzzle in processes and stakeholders that are conducive for national multi-stakeholder platforms (MSP) for sustainable development. It provides an overview on stakeholder landscapes and engagement processes in policy-making in Costa Rica, Ghana, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, South Africa, Uganda and Viet Nam.

Piezas de un rompecabezas: las siguientes etapas del camino (Parte II)
Segundo informe sobre el potencial de un mejor aprovechamiento de los órganos consultivos multipartitos para la Agenda 2030. Este estudio invita a los lectores a comprender las piezas de un rompecabezas en los procesos y las partes interesadas que favorecen las plataformas nacionales de múltiples partes interesadas (MSP) para el desarrollo sostenible. Ofrece una visión general de las partes interesadas y los procesos de participación en la elaboración de políticas en Costa Rica, Ghana, Nepal, Nigeria, Perú, Sudáfrica, Uganda y Vietnam. (Marzo, PDF, 11 MB)

Les pièces d’un puzzle : de nouvelles avancées vers une consultation multipartite (Partie II)
Deuxième rapport sur la possibilité d’un recours accru aux organes consultatifs multipartites pour la mise en œuvre de l’Agenda 2030. Cette étude invite les lecteurs à comprendre les pièces d’un puzzle dans les processus et les parties prenantes qui sont propices aux plateformes nationales multipartites pour le développement durable. Elle donne un aperçu des parties prenantes et des processus d’engagement dans l’élaboration des politiques au Costa Rica, au Ghana, au Népal, au Nigeria, au Pérou, en Afrique du Sud, en Ouganda et au Viet Nam. (Mars, PDF, 11 MB)

Media Relations:

Marijke Eschenbach
German Council for Sustainable Development
Office c/o GIZ GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10
D-10785 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 338424-233