Current News

Midway through Agenda 2030: Global community must step up a gear

The mid-term review from the latest Global Sustainable Development Report makes sober reading. Answers are expected at the United Nations SDG Summit in New York in September.

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German Sustainability Code hits 1,000 users

European companies are going sustainable – at least that’s the plan, as the EU aims to boost sustainability in business with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. The regulation presents challenges for many companies, but these can be overcome with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). So what is the secret to the transparency standard’s success?

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Modernise and accelerate, yes, but please think ahead

German Council for Sustainable Development to support implementation of coalition committee findings with constructive feedback

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Reiner Hoffmann elected new Chair of the German Council for Sustainable Development

Berlin, 16.02.2023 – At their inaugural meeting in the Federal Chancellery, the members of the newly reappointed German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) unanimously elected Reiner Hoffmann, former president of the German Trade Union Confederation, as their new chair. He succeeds Werner Schnappauf, who had previously held the RNE Chair since 2020.

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Reaching goals faster with artificial intelligence

This spring, the Joint Action for Sustainable Development will welcome a new member to the team: a web crawler. The crawler is currently being fed information in the hope that it will soon be able to recognise key actors for the 2030 Agenda independently.

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German Chancellor appoints new Council for Sustainable Development

Berlin, 18 January 2023 – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz today duly announced in the federal cabinet the new line-up of the German Council for Sustainable Development.

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Global Forum: RNE in global exchange

Engaging young people and getting trade unions involved: the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies brings together sustainability councils and similar bodies from all over the world to brainstorm the best ideas for giving fresh impetus to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – as at its recent network meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Committing to Better Biodiversity

Strengthening the Position of Biodiversity in the Sustainable Transition - Joint statement by DNR and RNE; Berlin 08.12.2022

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Turbo-boost needed to deliver sustainability innovations

How do we get the ball rolling? A forum at the RNE Annual Conference discussed holistic innovation strategies for sustainability and their chances of being implemented. Plus, how policy needs to change for the transition to succeed.

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Building a sustainable Germany – now more than ever

In times of war, pandemic, inflation and energy shortages, humanity needs sustainability more than ever. This was the key takeaway from the 21st Annual Conference of the German Council for Sustainable Development, where one of the topics in focus was sustainable building and housing.

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Joint Action for Sustainable Development goes live

The 21st Annual Conference of the German Council for Sustainable Development marked the official launch of a new platform project designed to accelerate the transition to sustainability.

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