Current News

Germany to assume a leading role in Sustainable Finance

This is the decision reached by the State Secretaries’ Committee for Sustainable Development at the end of February. It also announced the creation of a Sustainable Finance Advisory Council. Moreover, green and sustainable German Federal Bonds are to be reviewed with respect to their efficiency.

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Europe needs more climate protection and social justice

The 26th EEAC conference focused on one issue in particular – how to bring a halt to global warming. All the experts agreed that more must be done worldwide.

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Shaping a sustainably digitalised world

At the 26th Annual Conference of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC), participants communicated three key insights regarding what new technological possibilities mean for sustainable development. Because digitalisation is not just a “question of technology, but one of our way of life”.

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Brussels adds momentum to sustainable finance in Germany

The second German Sustainable Finance Summit showed that sustainable finance has shaken off its niche existence and is now a topic here in Germany too. Reforms at the EU level are the key driving force.

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„If Germany can’t pull out all the stops, who could?”

An international group of experts presents their assessment of sustainability policy in Germany at the German Council for Sustainable Development’s annual conference – and makes 11 recommendations regarding what needs to change.

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Peer Review: Group of international experts has met in Berlin

The group of international experts chaired by Helen Clark has met in Berlin from February, 26 to March, 2nd. During this week the international experts have met almost 100 actors, stakeholders and experts of German sustainability policies. They are grateful for the valuable insights they have won for their further debates.

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EU expert group outlines ways forward for reorienting finance sector

At the request of the European Commission, a group of experts has been working for over a year on a catalogue of recommendations on how regulations for financial markets can be changed – to make them more secure and see to it that they support rather than hinder sustainable development. These are their results.

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Germany’s first Sustainable Finance Summit: new contributions to discourse on a sustainable finance sector

The Hub for Sustainable Finance has concluded its first public convening. Representatives of the finance sector, supervisory authorities, civil society, the sciences and the political arena discussed how the financial system can become more sustainable. Here, you can read a selection of key contributions to the discussion – and about what the Hub will be doing going forward.

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How to advance sustainable finance in Germany

Sustainability criteria do not yet receive enough consideration from investors, companies or lenders. The RNE, Deutsche Börse AG and the financial experts on the Steering Committee of the Hub for Sustainable Finance have presented ten recommendations for a more sustainable financial system. The future federal government, too, has a role to play.

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