Current News

What services the financial sector can provide

Green finance and sustainable finance: the contribution of capital and financial markets to sustainable transformation is currently being intensively discussed, also at EU level, at the PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin and within the German Council for Sustainable Development.

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German Bundestag passes law introducing CSR reporting obligations

With immediate effect, large companies are required not only to produce financial balance sheets; they are also required to disclose information on their social and environmental actions. Later than originally planned, the German Bundestag has now passed the pertinent legislation. Here is an overview of the main last-minute changes.

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“We won't be able to achieve the SDGs if it's just an elitist group conspiring to make it happen”

From 21 to 23 November 2016, the German Council for Sustainable Development is hosting its first 'Open SDGclub.Berlin' – an English-language international conference in Berlin at which participants can share their initial experience with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its global Sustainable Development Goals, as adopted by the UN in September 2015.

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