The sustainability education competition “Ready, set, future!” (Zukunft, fertig, los!) gave educators throughout Germany the opportunity to present their ideas on how to raise awareness for the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals and in doing so win potential project sponsors.
The “Ready, set, future!” competition was a competition for ideas held by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) from mid 2017 to early 2018. It was addressed to children, youths and young adults with the aim of raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into early childhood education, schooling, vocational and applied education, in adult and professional education as well as in non-formal and informal educational segments.
The project’s goal was to promote independent action implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and bolster dissemination of well-designed implementation measures and ideas.
The 22 best ideas of the nearly 100 submissions were nominated by a jury of experts and were invited to present their project approach to 15 sponsors from foundations, the business sector and the political arena at the “Speed dating for #SDGeducation” (“Speed-Dating für #SDGBildung”) event in Berlin at the end of January. During and after the event, a number of sponsors expressed interest in supporting various individual ideas.
A survey of the Council among the competitors and sponsors in May 2018 showed that there are funding offers or concrete funding commitments for over 50 percent of the nominated project ideas.
The SDGs of the 2030 Agenda were agreed by the United Nations in 2015 and are to point the way toward a better future for all. End poverty and hunger, protect the earth’s oceans and ecosystems, support education for all and lifelong learning are among them as well as promoting fundamental changes in the way we live and do business.
You can find more information on the “Ready, set, future!” sustainability competition at